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Blog de Emprendedores
Blog de Emprendedores is a growing community of 3 members, who have collectively added 56 Pins to this Community! These pins have since been re-shared 39 times by fellow Community Members, receiving 474,199 potential impressions on Pinterest!
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Login to Join CommunityWhy are people flocking to Tailwind Communities?
Communities lets you join trusted people in your niche to share relevant content and grow your reach!
Never-ending supply of relevant content at your fingertips
Do you ever find yourself spending hours searching for content to pin that's relevant for your audience and meets your standard of quality? Tailwind Communities makes it easy to form groups with like-minded people around any topic, so relevant content from sources you trust is always just a click away!
Reach untapped audiences in your target market
When you submit your best content to a Community, you're providing that same relevant and high-quality content for all of your Community Members to pin! So instead of relying on just your own followers to get exposure on Pinterest and drive traffic, you'll have the support of your Community Members helping you reach their audience as well!
More about Blog de Emprendedores
Guarda pines increíbles que eduquen y sean útiles para tu audiencia desde la tribu de blogueras emprendedoras. Los mejores blogs en Español para compartir y apoyarnos
Community Guidelines
1. Por cada Pin que guardes en la tribu guarda 1 pin de otro miembro del grupo. 2.Solo están permitidos pines sobre Blogs, tips blog, consejos blog, ganar dinero, emprendimiento, mujeres emprendedoras, Marketing digital, Pinterest Tips. 3. Pines verticales solamente, con descripción y url de destino. Recuerda la idea es guardar pines de calidad que posicionen en Pinterest 4. Los pines que no cumplan con lo anterior serán eliminados. 5.Vamos a apoyarnos