Popular Words and Symbols Used in Pinterest Board Names

After analyzing a sample of more than 11,000 popular boards on Pinterest, we found which words and symbols are commonly found in Pinterest board names.

What makes a good board name? For some it’s rich keywords that will pop up in search results, while for others it’s all about describing their dreams. After analyzing more than 11,000 of the most followed boards on Pinterest, we found out which words and symbols seemed to attract the most attention.

Take a look – you might be surprised to find out what was the most commonly used overall.

Popular Words and Symbols Used in Pinterest Board Names

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While it’s probably not surprising to see words like “Recipes” and “Wedding” ranking high in the top “real” words category, it probably is surprising to see that one of the top contenders is technically a mashup of two words. The “MyPlate” campaign is a push for healthier American homes created by the USDA, Michelle Obama, Hearst, Meredith, Time. Inc. and the Food Network. By putting “MyPlate” in a board name, it signifies that the board will be filled with healthy, easy and delicious recipes for families all over the country. This campaign for a healthier country has been well enough received that these two seemingly random words were able to make a real impact on Pinterest.

In a similar vein to “MyPlate”, two of the top contenders in the hashtag category are, again, seemingly random combinations of words. The #PullUpaChair hashtag was created by Food Network as a way for foodies all over the web to come together and share their favorite recipes. Although it was started for the Super Bowl and Thanksgiving, The Food Network has sense encouraged using the hashtag as a general way to find great ideas for any kind of event.

In April, Honda asked 500 of the most active Pinners if they were willing to take a 24-hour break from Pinterest, thus starting the second popular mashed-up hashtag, “Pintermission”. Those who accepted were given $500 and were told to make a #Pintermission board to document what they did in those 24-Pinterest-free-hours. The hashtag took off during the campaign when other Pinterest users decided to hop on board to display their #Pintermissions.

When creating a Pinterest board, the name is, of course, important, however the most important thing to keep in mind is not just choosing what’s popular – it’s choosing what words and phrases are most important to your audience.

Optimize Your Board Names with Tailwind’s Keyword Finder

The words you use in your Pinterest board names matter—they help your boards get discovered. Tailwind’s Keyword Finder Tool makes it easy to find the perfect terms your audience is searching for, so your boards rank higher and attract more viewers.

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