Tight Budgets and Schedules How Nonprofits Can Use Pinterest OSP Episode 060

“70% of Pinterest users are there for shopping inspiration” was revealed in a study on MarketingLand. Do stats like these mean that nonprofits don’t have a use for Pinterest? Absolutely not! Nonprofit organizations can find great opportunities using Pinterest. When you translate a project’s mission strategically  and creatively you can: empower, educate, and get support from the Pinterest community. How nonprofits can use Pinterest is essentially the same as it is for most businesses, they need to use the platform to move people to action.

Tight Budgets and Schedules How Nonprofits Can Use Pinterest OSP Episode 060

Nonprofits have a very unique set of challenges when dealing with social media marketing.  Nonprofits often have tight schedules and even tighter budgets than most businesses. The organizations cause might deal with serious and emotional subject matter that could turn off Pinterest users.

How does a nonprofit convey a serious message on a lighthearted social platform? Reframing this type of content for Pinterest might seem mind-boggling. With some creativity and an understanding of Pinterest it can be successfully done.

In this week’s episode of the podcast, I chat with nonprofit marketing expert, Julia Campbell. Julia works with nonprofit and public sector organizations in the Boston area. She shares how she helps these types of organizations overcome their social media marketing challenges. We also discuss some case studies to help inspire you to improve your Pinterest strategy no matter what type of business you’re in.

In this week’s episode:

Dealing with tight budgets and schedules:

Julia and I chat about a few realizations that every nonprofit team should know before diving into Pinterest. You will learn the surprisingly minimal time and financial commitment involved.

The place for nonprofits on Pinterest:

Many will probably think Pinterest isn’t the right fit. We dive into a few factors and ideas that can help you determine if Pinterest is a good choice for your organization.

The simple step for starting your Pinterest strategy:

This will be the easiest way to get your feet wet. We talk about an effective way to gauge if Pinterest should be next step for your company.

How to best use smartphones for crafting visuals:

Having an expensive DLSR camera or the latest software isn’t always the answer. The latest smartphones make creating pinnable images easy and inexpensive.

Key ingredients for nonprofits’ visuals:

What images do Pinterest users pin the most? Julia shares the importance of eliciting emotional responses from your followers with images.

Curated content versus creating content:

Donors of a younger generation want to know that the brains behind nonprofits are experts on a mission. We discuss how to put your best foot forward by using sourced and original content.

Why nonprofits need to think globally:

It’s so easy today to connect and donate to causes all around the world. Julia shares how local companies can compete with the big guys.

How to manage privacy issues in social media marketing:

There are certain issues that can not be shared, for legal reasons, online. Julia tells us her past challenges with creating content and shares her suggestions.

Reframing content for your Pinterest audience:

Vast majority of non-profits deal with a serious issues. In order to be a success on Pinterest, you will need to learn how to rethink how you’re presenting your story. Julia shares her case studies of companies who have initiated campaigns in a creative way. 

Connect With Julia:

Julia Campbell Nonprofit Marketing SpecialistJ Campbell Social Marketing

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NonProfits On Pinterest mentioned

Unicef UK

Operation Smile 

Shot @ Life


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