In our original study “How Often Should I Post to Instagram?” we discovered that accounts that increase the number of times they post to Instagram get significantly more likes and comments, more engagement per post, and grow their followers faster!
The simple secret to faster growth on Instagram is this: you need to post every single day, minimum. So let’s meet Tailwind for Instagram members who have found incredible success after increasing the number of times a week that they post to Instagram.
An E-Commerce Business
Posted Nearly 6x More Often, Grew Instagram Likes 983%
Small business online fashion store @allforcolor went from posting less than twice a week to posting twice a day and it payed off big. They now get 983% more likes per month and increased the number of followers they have by 151% in just three months!
All For Color keep their content to a simple and effective formula. Colorful clothes you can buy online, bright lifestyle photos with hashtags that attract attention from their kind of customer (if they aren’t already using Hashtag Lists and Hashtag Finder they should be!), bold quotes, and a splash of humor. All of this is perfectly in line with their Instagram bio, “Sharing snaps to lift your mood.”
A Food Blogger
Posted 2x More Often, Grew Followers 258%
Krissy from selfproclaimedfoodie.com uses her blog and Instagram account to share her “unconditional love of food” with other foodies. She has a lot of love to share because she recently more than doubled the frequency she posts to Instagram – ramping it up to twice a day. Now she gets considerably faster growth with 375% more likes per month. She also increased her followers by 258% in just three months!
One of the challenges to posting to Instagram more often is creating enough content to post. One way that a lot of accounts get around this is by re-sharing (or regramming) the posts of other accounts. There are even whole accounts that are dedicated to regramming content called Instagram Feature accounts.
Krissy has eased the burden of creating all original content by posting regrammed posts from other foodies alongside her own original Instagram posts that promote the recipes on her blog.
You may notice that these regrammed posts get just as much engagement as her original posts do.
Regram Other People’s Posts Like a Pro
You can use the Tailwind Browser Extension to easily schedule 10 regrammed Instagram posts in under a minute!
Once you have installed the Tailwind Browser Extension you can visit any webpage, including a hashtag on Instagram.com (like this one), and in one click you can see all of the shareable images on that page. In just a couple more clicks you can push those images into your Tailwind schedule along with an automatically generated comment giving proper attribution to the account that originally posted the image (it’s also best practice to reach out to ask permission in a comment on the original post).
An Instagram Influencer
Posted 2x More Often, Increased Likes by 158%
Over the course of three months, actor and Instagram influencer @mslynnchen grew her Instagram likes by 158% and increased her already impressive personal following by 59%. Over the same period she went from posting to Instagram a couple of times per week to posting every single day. If you aren’t yet posting to Instagram every single day, here’s that study again that shows you why you absolutely should be.
Along with snaps of the food she cooks and the treats she finds, Lynn also shares Instagram Stories from restaurants to accompany posts like this one. Keep up the good work Lynn!
A Travel Writer
Posted 3x More Often, Grew Instagram Likes by 387%
Over three months @marocmama increased her monthly Instagram likes by 387% and her followers by 69%.
Amanda shares great photos that provides a window into a beautiful part of the world. She also obviously takes great care curating her Instagram feed (the grid of 9 images that load on your profile page). This is important as people who follow you will usually choose whether or not to do so by the impression you leave when they visit your Instagram profile page.
In an email Amanda she told me that her simple secret to faster Instagram growth was that she “started posting 2-3x a day”.
These Instagram accounts grew massively by posting 2-6x more often Click to TweetAmanda honed in on what her followers were most interested in seeing from her, “I also noticed that, while I travel internationally people were really interested in my Morocco – location specific – images so I worked to include those much more often.”
Along with posting more often Amanda also noted, “Using hashtags judiciously and interacting with comments was also part of my strategy.”
If you want to grow your Instagram account a great place to start is by signing up for Tailwind for Instagram. It will help you post more often and at the best times for engagement.
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