Looking for your latest dose of tips, tricks, and best practices for creating beautiful Pins on Pinterest?
In today’s post, we’re sharing our favorite go-to guides, webinars, and presentations to help you learn what to do (and not to do!) when you create a Pinterest Pin!
Take a look at the list below, and make sure to bookmark this post (and the materials inside!) to have the ultimate Pinterest reference guide right at your fingertips!
Pinterest Creative Agency Advertising Guide
If you’re looking for a way to connect with your audience on Pinterest, this handy Creative Agency Advertising Guide from Pinterest is a great place to start.
From practical ad specs to stats you’ll want to know, this bite-sized primer helps you think about finding your audience in a new way.

Our Favorite Highlights:
- The Five Dimensions of Inspiration – a handy way to frame up the creative direction of your Pin design
- Amazing insights about why Pinners are on Pinterest and what content mesmerizes them.
Pinterest Creative Best Practices Webpage

Your Pinterest creative is sure to perform better when it matches Pinterest Creative Best Practices. Handy tip: bookmark this page – it’s updated with the latest information for Pinterest success.
Our Favorite Highlights:
- Pinterest image size and copy tips for Standard Pins, Video Pins, and Story Pins
- Length tips for Video Pins and Story Pins
- How to brand your Pinterest creations in the best way
Pinterest Creative Best Practices Presentation

While the web page above acts as a constantly updated overview of current creative best practices on Pinterest, you can dive a little bit more into the weeds with the Creative Best Practices presentation from Pinterest.
This master doc contains an in-depth look at each of the main topics for creative, including images, branding, copy, and more!
Everything You Need to Know to Succeed on Pinterest Webinar
The title says it all – our own Alisa Meredith put together a free webinar detailing everything you need to know to succeed on Pinterest!
Spanning creative and design tips, Pinterest SEO research, and more, this webinar is full of tips you don’t want to miss!

Our Favorite Highlights:
- What to do (and what not to do) using real Pin examples
- Incredible formulas to put your content in context and increase traffic
- How to strategize Pin creation for high performance
Breakthrough Video on Pinterest Presentation
Stumped on how to create engaging Video Pins? You’ll want to keep this little goldmine in your back pocket.

The Breakthrough Video on Pinterest guide details six elements to keep in mind when creating Video Pins and Pinterest Ads. It also includes nine video styles – with examples – that will inspire your next video Pin.
Our Favorite Highlights:
- A quick explainer of six elements of a scroll-stopping video – perspective, white space, color, movement, motion & depth.
- 9 technique tutorials for videos – with examples!
Pinterest Academy: Create Inspiring Content
The Pinterest Academy is a go-to resource for all things success on Pinterest, but the Create Inspiring Content course is a standout for creatives.

Signing up for the Academy is free, and you’ll learn a ton of best practices, whys and hows in these bite-sized lessons.
Our Favorite Highlights:
- Tips to identify the audience you’re creating Pins for
- Do’s and Don’ts for creating and Pinning that are handy to know
- Ways to increase CTA and create a pleasant user experience from your Pin to your website!
Pinterest…on Pinterest!
Our go-to spot to see Pinterest creative that works and get inspiration for design is on Pinterest, of course! There are tons of Pinterest Boards to follow for inspiration, including those created by Pinterest themselves.
Check out these two Pinterest profiles curated by the Pinterest Creative Strategy team to see what success looks like (literally!) on Pinterest.
Pinterest Creative Gallery
Handily organized by theme, the Boards on Pinterest Creative Gallery’s Pinterest page give you a look at successful Pins and campaigns around a variety of themes, occasions and events.
For example, the Fall Football/ Tailgate has Pinterest Board sections for industry niches like Restaurants, Auto, and Financial Services!

Creative Strategy at Pinterest
Like the Pinterest profile name suggests, this collection of Boards helps you understand and envision strategy by industries and niches.
In many of the Boards, you’ll find sections titled “Awareness” “Consideration” and “Action” to show you campaigns and Pins with the strategic goal behind them!

The Pinterest Business Youtube Channel
Pinterest is on Youtube, and their presentations can really help guide your creative strategy on the platform.
The Pinterest Business Youtube channel covers topics important to businesses, from holiday campaign inspiration and how different demographics interact with the platform, one of our all-time favorite videos is the “What’s Get Creative on Pinterest?” webinar!
The webinar covers how consumers think about brands on Pinterest, the art and science of making great Pins and tips for each creative objective!
Tailwind Create
Need a little help fine-tuning your Pin designs? We’ve created the perfect resource to help you create jaw-dropping Pins – no designer required!
Tailwind Create allows you to generate, personalize, and fine-tune dozens of designs in one click.
Want to test it out? We’re now accepting Pinners into our public beta. In exchange for early access to this game-changing tool, we just require two things:

- You play around and experiment in the tool for at least a few hours, generating gorgeous images
- You give us your time (and opinions!) in a 30-minute call with our development team.
Interested? Request early access to the Tailwind Create beta now!