November Marketing Dates to Remember ( + Post Ideas!)

November Marketing Dates Post header

Just happy dancing because we’re in the middle of the best time of year! Halloween may be over but step aside because I have my comfy sweats on and I’m ready for more food-packed holidays this month.

From National Peanut Butter Lovers Month (did someone say Reese’s ), to National Donut Day, National Candy Day, and more! This month will have you eating like a champ, but also, being grateful for all you have as it is now officially National Gratitude Month

Along with plenty of opportunities to give back, from Adopt a Senior Pet Month and National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week.

This month comes full circle from receiving to giving, and I can’t think of a more beautiful theme for the month of Thanksgiving. I mean, November. 

Now, let’s get into it.

November is the month of…

  • Adopt a Senior Pet Month
    • It’s not a secret that puppies and kittens are adopted much more frequently than older animals. But older animals have some serious perks! For one, they’re much more mellow and don’t have that toddler energy. They’re also less likely to chew or scratch things up and may have already had some training. So if you’re looking for a pet, don’t overlook an older one. It may end up being the right match for you!
  • Military Family Month
    • Military families are often separated for months at a time while the service member gets deployed or sent to training. And this month is dedicated to both service members and their families. It takes a village to raise a family and while fellow military families are great at looking out for each other there are several ways you can also support military families! Like volunteering, donating, or sponsoring a military family!
November Marketing Dates national adopt a senior pet month
  • National Alzheimers Disease Month
    • This month is dedicated to raising awareness of the most common form of dementia. There’s no cure for the disease which is a very progressive disease, with an offset as early as 65. 
  • National Gratitude Month
    • Research shows that people who are grateful are less likely to develop stress-related issues and an overall boost to their wellbeing. 
  • National Native American Heritage Month
    • November is a month where we celebrate the rich and diverse culture and traditions of Native Americans. Native Americans make up 1.5 percent of America’s population.
  • National Peanut Butter Lovers Month
    • Did you know November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month? *Cue happy tears.* Whether you prefer peanut butter for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or as a snack – this month honors all of your peanut butter addicts. 

November Monthly Post Ideas

  1. What are your favorite ways to eat peanut butter? Share your favorite recipes with #NationalPeanutButterLoversMonth. Is it on the side with apples, in the form of cookies, on toast? The list is endless!
  2. For Adopt a Senior Pet Month you can share an older pet you have or had along with the benefits of recusing an older animal who may be overlooked compared to puppies or kittens. 
  3. Share some of the early symptoms and stats about how common dementia is for National Alzheimers Disease Month.  
November Marketing Dates national peanut butter lovers month

4. Share what you’re grateful for on National Gratitude Month. You could even encourage your audience to start a gratitude journal in hopes of seeing things half full instead of half empty.

5. Highlight a prominent Native American like Pocahontas, Sacagawea, or Crazy Horse and their significant roles in the development of the nation. Historically speaking, Native American culture has been overrun by western and European influences making the remembrance and reverence of their traditions all the more important. America wouldn’t be the country it is today with the influence and land of Native Americans, so let’s pay them thanks this National American Heritage Month.

Important Weeks in November

  • National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week (November 7 – November 13)
    • This week celebrates the many animal shelters that give refuge, a warm bed, and food to homeless and displaced animals. Working or volunteering at an animal shelter is far from glamorous, but those people save animals and help them find a new home that they will hopefully spend the rest of their lives in.
  • World Kindness Week (November 13 – November 19)
    • Spread kindness this week! This worldwide celebration encourages people to perform small acts of kindness around them to encourage a chain and spread of positivity. Kindness improves and changes lives, and it can start with you!
November marketing dates post world kindness day
  • National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week ( November 7 – November 13 )
    • This week celebrates the many animal shelters that give refuge, a warm bed, and food to homeless and displaced animals. Working or volunteering at an animal shelter is far from glamorous, but those people save animals and help them find a new home that they will hopefully spend the rest of their lives in.
  • World Kindness Week ( November 13 – November 19 )
    • Spread kindness this week! This worldwide celebration encourages people to perform small acts of kindness around them to encourage a chain and spread of positivity. Kindness improves and changes lives, and it can start with you!
  • National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week ( November 14 – November 20 )
    • The week before Thanksgiving raises awareness to the many hungry and cold homeless people in America. This week is supposed to remind us that while we’re planning how many courses we want at dinner, and who we will be seeing, not everyone will be so lucky. Don’t forget to be grateful for what you have, because many people aren’t so fortunate.
  • Global Entrepreneurship Week ( November 18 – November 24 )
    • Thousands of entrepreneur-themed events happen this week to inspire and motivate ingenuity. It’s also a chance to help people connect with like-minded passionate individuals in their industry.

November Weekly Post Ideas

  1. Volunteer for National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week! If you don’t want to clean up you could always volunteer to take pictures of animals and feature them in your Stories. Most shelters don’t have the means or marketing experience let alone the time to showcase the animals that need a home. A little help could go a long way!
  1. Write encouraging notes of kindness on sticky notes and put them in public places like a public transit bulletin board, the refrigerator in your work’s breakroom, or inside a restaurant menu. Then you can create a video showcasing all the notes, where you left them, and use #WorldKindnessWeek to spread the word.
  1. While you’re shopping for your Thanksgiving ingredients, pick up a couple of extra things to donate to a homeless shelter for National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week. Whether it’s canned green beans, a pumpkin pie, an extra carton of eggs, you can absolutely make a significant impact. You can even share the ideas with your audience, along with resources on how to find local homeless shelters. 
  1. If you’re a business owner, you can be a part of Global Entrepreneurship Week by registering in a class or seminar! It may be a great opportunity to learn from experts in your field and meet new acquaintances.  
November marketing dates post  national hunger and homelessness awareness week

Important Days in October

November 4 National Candy Day

  • It feels kismet National Candy Day is right after Halloween. But alas, this day we celebrate the millions of dollars candy companies just made and further indulge in one of the sweet parts of life – candy. 

November 5 National Donut Day

  • Donuts may come in many shapes and sizes, but they’re all absolutely delicious! Did you know the first documented donut recipe was from a cookbook published in 1803 that an anthropologist found. However, the trend didn’t catch on until 1808, when The Bostom Times published the first donut recipe, blowing minds all across America.

November 11 Veterans Day 

  • On Veterans Day we honor all who have and are serving in the United States Armed Forces. From those still serving to those who passed, this holiday is the perfect opportunity to express your gratitude.

November 13 World Kindness Day

  • This holiday is a worldwide effort to spread kindness as if it’s the COVID antidote! It’s always a good time to do something kind, whether it’s paying for the coffee order of the person behind you, donating canned goods to a homeless shelter, or doing a friend’s dishes. There is no limit to acts of kindness and the best part is a little goes a long way.

November 17 National Take a Hike Day

  • Winter is coming in the Northern Hemisphere and this day is encouraging people to get out there once more before the weather becomes too cold and dreary. Exercising not only boosts endorphins, those happy brain chemicals but being in nature can also calm anxiety and help you feel more connected to your body. So here’s your chance, ready… set… GO HIKING!

November 25 Thanksgiving

  • The fourth Thursday of every November is America’s Thanksgiving where we honor the first autumn harvest the Native Americans and Pilgrims (early American settlers) shared together in 1621. While America has a complicated relationship with Thanksgiving it’s first and foremost an opportunity to connect with loved ones, express gratitude, enjoy delicious food, and hopefully take a nap afterward. 

November 26 National Native American Heritage Day

  • The day after Thanksgiving celebrates the rich culture and heritage of Native Americans. This day became a national holiday in 2008 and has remained a day to honor and remember the history of Native Americans and their impact on this country and our culture.

November 27 Small Business Saturday

  • Right before the biggest online shopping day of the year, we’re reminded that most of what we need is offered in smaller local businesses. They may not have the power of an entire marketing team behind them but they’re trying to make a living by following their dreams and competing with big corporations. Whenever you can, shop local, and support your economy. 

November 29 Cyber Monday

  • Every Monday after Thanksgiving is known as Cyber Monday, AKA the online version of Black Friday. Keep an eye out for killer deals, but don’t forget to shop locally first.

November 30 National Day of Giving

  • And lastly, the day after Cyber Monday is the National Day of Giving encouraging ourselves and others to express gratitude whether verbally or even by donating to charities and local shelters. 

November Daily Post Ideas

  1. You officially have an excuse to sneak pieces of your kids’ Halloween stash in the name of National Candy Day! Share the tip on your Stories and who knows, you may just save a life.
  2. Go to your favorite donut shop for National Donut Day and partake in that delicious baked bread covered in frosting goodness. For this holiday many local shops will offer a sale so keep your eyes peeled. You could even post a Story with your donut with a poll asking who else is celebrating this joyous holiday. 
  3. Do you have a friend or family member in the military? On Veterans Day you can give them a shoutout in your feed thanking them for their service along with the other service members who have sacrificed their time and even lives to protect our country. 
  4. For World Kindness Day put a Question Sticker in your Stories and ask your audience to share a time someone did something kind for them, then share some great examples! Sometimes a little bit of inspiration is all a person needs to know how to better serve or show up for those around them. 
  5. Show off your Thanksgiving spread along with a favorite family recipe! You can also share some of your fun family traditions. 
November marketing dates post thanksgiving

Don’t forget what matters the most

While a lot of the national days and holidays in November are geared toward consumption, don’t forget the things that matter the most. People’s quality of life, kindness, generosity, love, happiness, and service. 

The holidays may be fun and a chance to splurge, but they’re also a chance to cozy up with family and friends you don’t see that often. It’s also an opportunity to put money into your local economy and purchase gifts for those loved ones or people in need. 

While the world and country keep spinning and consuming don’t stop making sure you’re doing all you can to keep yourself happy. Sure eating a donut, going on a hike, or spreading an act of kindness can bring you a burst of endorphins – but the most important thing is that you aren’t waiting for the holidays to relax and enjoy your life. It’ll pass by no matter what, so you might as well spend it doing things you love.

This November, before anything else, choose your individual pursuit of happiness.

From World Kindness Day to Thanksgiving, November is full of holidays perfect for your content calendar! Check out our post ideas for this month!

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