Instagram recently joined the ranks of Facebook and LinkedIn by launching a new easy-to-use feature that allows users to add preferred pronouns to their Instagram bio. This feature helps to normalize the use of nontraditional pronouns and build broader inclusion and safety one Instagram bio at a time!
Psst — in case you missed the latest safety updates, Instagram also rolled out an anti-bullying filter for DMs!
But, back to the pronoun feature… In the past, users could only elect to share their pronouns in the 150-character profile description. But the Instagram pronouns feature created a section exclusively for gender pronouns, allowing you to add up to four to your bio.
This inclusive feature is a step toward creating a safer and more normalized space for gender identity and expression. In this article, I’ll explain why this update benefits everyone and how to add your pronouns!
Not sure how this update can make an impact on your account? Let’s dive into why everyone should be sharing their pronouns.
Why the New Pronouns Feature is for Everyone
Let’s begin. *adjusts glasses*
Gender identity pronoun expression doesn’t look the same for any two people. By adding pronouns to Instagram, even if you identify with the gender assigned to you at birth, you’re helping dispel the notion that gender expression and identity are the same.
By adding pronouns to your Instagram profile (especially if we identify with our birth genders), we’re normalizing that it’s okay for EVERYONE to use various pronoun options.
No matter what your pronouns are, sharing them visibly with the Instagram pronouns feature creates a supportive space on the Instagram app for everyone to embrace who they are and take control of how they want to be addressed. It’s a beautiful and inclusive action we can all start taking.
I’ll show you step-by-step how to add pronouns to your Instagram later in this post. (And don’t worry, there will be screenshots!)
Ultimately, adding pronouns to your Instagram profile demonstrates that you’re a person who doesn’t assume gender identity and emphasizes that you are a safe person for those who don’t identify with traditional pronouns.
Taking advantage of the Instagram pronouns feature can also attract like-minded individuals who share similar values of inclusion and signal that your account is for everyone.
Interested in what pronouns Instagram currently has available? Well, I’ve got that answer for you right down below!
Which Pronouns Are Currently Offered on Instagram?
Here’s the current list of pronouns offered on Instagram:
- co/cos
- e/ey/em/eir
- fae/faer
- he/him/his
- she/her/hers
- they/them/theirs
- ne/nee/nir/nirs/ner/ners
- mer/mers
- per/pers
- thon/thons
- ve/ver/vis/vi/vir
- xe/xem/xyr
- ze/zir/zie/hir
Here are some examples of non-traditional use of pronouns on Instagram.

How many Pronouns can I add to my Profile?
Each user can choose up to four pronouns.
What if my Desired Pronoun Isn’t Supported?
If your gender identity pronouns aren’t already listed, you can fill out a form here to request your chosen pronouns.
Instagram will also continually update the list to remove pronouns that could be considered harmful or abusive.
Now, the long-awaited and anticipated “how to.” Let’s break it down six-step style as I walk you through how to add pronouns to your profile!
How to Add Gender Pronouns to Your Profile
Step 1: Go to your Instagram profile.
Step 2: Click Edit Profile.
Step 3: Press the space next to Pronouns.
Step 4: Type in your preferred pronouns (you can select up to four pronouns).
Step 5: Hit Done.
Step 6: Then hit Done again. And BAM! You have featured pronouns on your profile!

As gender identity and expression are deeply personal and individual experiences, users can edit and update their pronouns at any time.
If you want to add pronouns that aren’t currently available, just request the Instagram app make them available.
Privacy options for Instagram Pronouns feature:
There’s also an option to only display pronouns to your followers. When you select your desired pronouns, just toggle the “Show to Followers Only” button to “on”.

Desired pronouns for users under the age of eighteen will automatically be hidden to non-followers.
Not a native English speaker? Don’t worry— the Instagram app’s pronoun feature supports multiple languages, including Spanish, Portugese, French, German, and Turkish.
Other Gender Options for Your Instagram Profile
While you are editing your Instagram profile for preferred pronouns, you can also select your preferred Gender. The options are Male, Female, Custom and Prefer Not to Say.

The Role of Pronouns in Enhancing UX
Pronouns on Instagram do more than clarify gender identity; they enhance the overall user experience by fostering an environment of respect and inclusivity.
This feature allows users to express themselves more authentically and be recognized for who they are. In a digital age where personal interaction is often limited to text and images, adding pronouns is a significant step towards personalizing and humanizing online interactions.
It encourages users to engage with others more thoughtfully, promoting a deeper understanding and respect for individual identities.
By integrating pronouns into user profiles, Instagram is not only adapting to the evolving landscape of social media but also actively participating in shaping a more accepting and inclusive digital community.
Broader Inclusion on Instagram
If you want to build a brand or online presence that is kind and inclusive, using tools like the pronouns feature to display your values of inclusion and equality is important.
“It’s a good addition for Instagram, which adds to its broader push to maximize inclusion, and ensure that all users are able to represent themselves as they choose on the platform.”
By sharing our pronouns, we can help make Instagram a safer place for each individual to express themselves authentically and feel accepted, which is pretty incredible.
It’s a simple and easy way to begin to make a difference, one small step at a time. And the more people who add their pronouns, the more likely Instagram will continue implementing more changes for the betterment and safety of our communities.
Now, let’s all do our part and add our pronouns! And, let’s chat again soon.