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How to Use Instagram’s New #BuyBlack Sticker

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Instagram Buy Black Sticker

You may have noticed a brand new sticker popping up in your Instagram Stories lately.

You’re not seeing things – the #BuyBlack sticker was launched on November 12th so that Instagram users could share support for their favorite black-owned businesses during the holiday season!

We’re giving you a quick run-down of how this sticker works, and some tips to use it to expand reach for black businesses on the platform just in time for holiday shopping!

How the #BuyBlackSticker Works on Instagram

If you’re familiar with a few of the other small business-related stickers on Instagram, such as the Support Small Business sticker or the gift card and food delivery sticker, you might be expecting some bells and whistles with this new addition.

However, the #BuyBlack sticker appears fairly basic in functionality.

It isn’t clickable and doesn’t send your Story to a specially themed highlight.

It also doesn’t have clickable design options in the sticker tray. Bummer!

You’ll add this sticker just like any other on Instagram.

Simply open Stories, upload your photo or video, and tap the smiley icon at the top of the screen.

The black and white shopping bag sticker should be near the top of your menu.

And don’t worry – just because this sticker doesn’t have the functionality of the Support Small Business sticker, it’s still a powerful tool.

Especially if you use the two stickers together!

Tips for Using the #BuyBlack IG Sticker

Looking for some inspiration for using the #BuyBlack sticker in your Stories? Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Pair the #BuyBlack Sticker with the Support Small Business Sticker

The Support Small Business Sticker takes you right to the featured business’ Instagram page and even gives you a preview of some of their posts!

That’s why this pairing is handy for amplifying the visibility of a specific black business to your followers.

For bonus points, toss in a few reasons why you love that business!

2. Create an Instagram Guide and Share to Stories

Now that Instagram Guides are available to everyone on Instagram, you can publish your own version of a holiday gift guide! Check out this handy explainer of Instagram Guides to learn how to do it, and then start adding products from black-owned businesses from Instagram Shops!

When your DIY Guide to buying black for your friends, family and followers is all done, you can share it to your Stories. Make sure to slap a #BuyBlack sticker on your Story post for more visibility!

3. Tell Your Followers What’s On Your Mind

What’s better than using our platforms to reach our audiences? Using our platforms to amplify black businesses to our audience. It increases awareness across the board, and everyone benefits!

Take a few minutes to record a video or even jot down some notes in Instagram Create mode. Talk about your favorite black-owned businesses and why you love them!

Make sure to use the #BuyBlack sticker and @mention the business on Instagram so your followers can visit their profile and learn more about them!

Any other great ideas to share for encouraging your followers to #BuyBlack this season? Share them in the comments below!

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