How SparkPeople Gets HUGE Traffic From Pinterest OSP Episode 36

For some businesses, it makes perfect sense to include Pinterest in their social media marketing. Those in the fashion, beauty and DIY industries have proven to be some of the most popular on the site. Another popular niche on Pinterest is fitness. SparkPeople, a weight-loss and fitness site that provides free recipes, resources and support has built a very successful Pinterest account.

How SparkPeople Gets HUGE Traffic From Pinterest

In this week’s episode of the podcast I chat with Joe Robb, digital marketing manager for SparkPeople. He shares insights that even those outside of the health and fitness space can implement to find success on Pinterest.

My one of my favorite takeaways from our conversation was when Joe said  We listen to our community and try and help them” (Click to Tweet). This the foundation that SparkPeople seems to take with their site and their Pinterest account and I’m sure a huge factor that has contributed to their success.

 Topics covered

  • How SparkPeople has modified their images to suit Pinterest
  •  We discuss using a logo on an image VS a URL
  • The importance of planning ahead
  • How SparkPeople tracks their success with Pinterest
  • How SparkPeople lost 80% of their traffic from Pinterest and what they’ve done to get it back
  • The bounce rate of Pinterest traffic to their site

SparkPeople on Pinterest:

They have created a very targeted  account with boards that focus on serving their community.

SparkPeople has created a very targeted Pinterest account

Visitors from Pinterest are greeted with a pop-up with a call to action to follow their Pinterest account.

SparkPeople pop-up greets visitors from Pinterest with a call to action

By keeping the needs of their community in mind, with Pinterest, SparkPeople has been able generate traffic to their site and grow a large following. How do you feel about the Pinterest focused pop-up? Will you be using any of SparkPeople’s methods on your Pinterest account?  Here are some more ideas for how to get traffic from Pinterest to your website.



SparkPeople on Pinterest

SparkPeople on Twitter @SparkPeople

Connect with Joe on Twitter @JoeLRobb

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