How a Blogger Recovered Her Traffic From a Google Update with Pinterest 073

Have you heard stories of people loosing all of the traffic to their website because of a Google update? I have and have always assumed that it only happened to websites doing shady or black-hat stuff. I’ve come to learn that isn’t always the case.

How a Blogger Recovered Her Traffic From a Google Update with Pinterest 073

In this episode of the Oh So Pinteresting podcast

I talk with personal finance blogger Jackie Beck of The Debt Myth about how she lost all of the traffic to her blog from Google overnight and how she was able to recover that traffic by using Pinterest.

We also talk about:

  • How she uses group boards to her advantage.


  • How she uses Pinterest to promote her personal finance blog.


  • How she uses Pinterest to promote sales of her mobile app, Pay Off Debt


This image that has continued to bring her traffic from Pinterest for over a year! Talk about a great ROI and continues to promote sales of Jackie’s Pay Off Debt mobile app.

Using Pinterest to promote and sell mobile apps

The image below is a great way to make a non-visual topic like debt reduction visual and pinnable.


Easy pinnable image for non visual topic for Pinterest

Easy pinnable image for non visual topic for Pinterest



Connect with Jackie:

jackie-beck-headshotThe Debt Myth Blog

On Pinterest

On Twitter

Want to check out her Pay Off Debt app? Apple version or Android version

 Pinterest tip of the week:

With the recent changes to Pinterest’s layout also came some changes to the options we have for email notifications. Jackie found some of her Pinterest success with group boards. This week’s tip of the week is all about email notifications from group boards and how to set them up so you’re only receiving the notifications that are most helpful to you.

How to get to Pinterest email settings

How to get to Pinterest email settings


Pinterest group board email notification settings

Pinterest group board email notification settings should be set up to benefit you


Pinterest for Business Workshop

Registration for the next Pinterest for Business Workshop is just about to open. This three week workshop will take you step-by-step through live online training to teach you how to use Pinterest for business quickly and easily.  Cant attend the live sessions? That’s OK, you’ll have access to the video recordings of each session to watch and learn form when its best for your schedule.  Check out the workshop page for more details.

The workshop is limited to 20 participants and past sessions of the workshop have quickly sold out. Be sure to sign up below to be notified as soon as registration opens.

 Sign up below to be notified when registration opens for the next 2014 session.

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