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Pinterest continues to receive funding and its valuation continues to skyrocket, as of June 2014 it is reported to be $5 BILLION. This meteoric rise brings additional attention which is causing the platform to rival Twitter in popularity and the developing of new features such as the much anticipated advertising on Pinterest through sponsored pins.

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In this episode

Fellow Pinterest pro, Vincent Ng and I discuss:

Where’s Cynthia been lately? This summer has come with some big adventures including a speaking engagement in Brussels, Belgium and a move form Texas to Charleston, South Carolina. (You can read more about that and a realization I had here)

 •Pinterest is passing Twitter in popularity. Is this a continuing trend or could it just be the timing of the study?

•Pinterest Business Insights API opened to a limited group of 3rd party companies. Does this mean that pins scheduling and other analytics tools are soon on their way? Will they be affordable?

•Advertising on Pinterest through promoted pins coming soon? After months of promising promoted pins would be arriving to Pinterest, Vincent and I still have yet to see them. It had been reported that it would cost at least $1 million to participate and some Big name brands have already committed to the program. Now, Pinterest has opened a survey type form for US based businesses interested participating in the program. Will it be as accessible as Facebook advertising or limited to businesses with B=big budgets?

•Pinterest continues to attract investors and is now valued at $5 BILLION. What does this mean, more global expansion?

•Android users can now be notified when they are at a location that they have pinned as a place pin on a map board. This could be very useful to local businesses and in the travel industry. Vincent and I discuss some of the ways that they can be used including a way to drive foot traffic.


Vincent NgConnect with Vincent Ng

MCNG Marketing

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