What’s Up with Facebook Work Accounts?

If you’ve worked in social media management or managed a Facebook Business Page on behalf of your brand, you probably are familiar with the pitfalls that come with that.

From accidentally posting to the wrong page, to scrambling to gain access to your page after the person who set it up leaves, there are plenty of ways that employees managing the company Facebook through their personal accounts can go, err… awry.

Not to mention it makes it that much harder to separate work and personal life and strive for a healthy balance. That’s why Facebook’s latest round of testing definitely has our ears perked up.

Facebook Testing New Work Accounts

In September, Facebook announced Work Accounts were in testing with a select number of businesses. 

With this new account type, Facebook Business Manager will be able to be accessed without requiring a personal account.

This may seem like small fries to some, but it’s actually a huge step forward in making the brand Facebook profile – and employee accounts – that much more secure. 

Facebook Work Accounts Expected to Debut in 2022

Through the end of the year, Facebook will be testing this new feature with a select group of business accounts. Company reps expect the feature to be rolled out globally in 2022. 

We’ll keep updating you on developments as they happen. This feels like a big step forward in managing personal and work on social media, where the line gets blurred all too often for marketers and social media managers!

Do you plan to use this new feature? Let us know in the comments below!

New Facebook Work Accounts might be the first step to take towards work-life balance, removing personal account login requirements to access Business Pages.

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