“You don’t become an entrepreneur. You are born like that. You like to take risks. You like to create stuff, do things, and be the one person who does everything.”
Everyone is meant for something, and Sandy Dedeian found her calling quite early in life.
Within Sandy’s family, both her parents and grandparents own their own businesses, so you could say Sandy was indeed born to be an entrepreneur. After seeing it modeled to her, Sandy quickly discovered that passion within herself too.
As a serial entrepreneur, Sandy has only worked for one employer, her family, before venturing out on her own. And while she worked for her family, Sandy started and ran their marketing department alone. My mind exploded when she said that!
Sandy went to school, took extra courses, and built up a successful marketing department within her family’s business through trial and error. It was then that the burning fire within her ignited, and she felt the pull of her own business.
She’d seen what she was capable of, and she wanted to see what else she could do. Sandy then decided to try out entrepreneurship.
Sandy Steps into Entrepreneurship

Sandy started her first business after moving to Canada and beginning a one-year intensive MBA program. It was a passion project for Sandy, yet it didn’t feel quite right.
“I’m so passionate about fashion it’s my thing. So I ventured into fashion and made so many mistakes. I didn’t do anything I knew. I was so excited about my product and designs that I put them out there without planning or proper marketing.”
While Sandy was trying to get her fashion business off the ground, she found friends and family members reaching out and asking her to help with their social media. They saw the success she brought to her parents’ business, and Rectified Co organically came about.
My cousin owns a company in London, and she asked me to help her with marketing and social media. I started telling people, oh, I’m thinking about doing this full-time. And then eventually, some friends referred other friends, and it started just like that. It wasn’t a plan to have a marketing agency; it just happened.

Sandy’s Business Gets Re-routed
Sandy was recognized for her ability to plan, strategize, and create clickable content for family, friends, and then mutual acquaintances. It was then she realized everything had been leading her to Rectified Co, and this was where her path was going.
While owning a business may have been written in the stars for Sandy, that doesn’t mean it was a cakewalk.
However, she did have an advantage that most don’t. She grew up surrounded by entrepreneurs. Sandy knows about the hardships, especially in the beginning. And Sandy knew if Rectified Co was going to succeed, she needed to be strategic about it.
“I’m surrounded by small business owners, and I was born into a family of entrepreneurs. It’s not as glamorous as it seems. There’s a lot of hard work behind it. Being an entrepreneur is so unstable, especially in the beginning.”
The Challenges of Business Ownership
There’s always a risk when you own your own business. And constant pressure to figure things out while doing everything alone can be overwhelming. That’s what eventually burns people out. Sandy: From 2004 to 2015, I worked at my family’s business. Then I moved to Canada, where I did a one-year intensive MBA. And after that, I wanted to do something on my own.
“It’s always a challenge, even after all these years. And the biggest challenge is not having someone to help, so it’s all your responsibility. You don’t have that person you can talk to. You have to make all the decisions, and it’s a challenge.”
On top of making all the hard decisions, there’s also the burden of consistency. As a social media expert, Sandy knows how time-consuming yet important it is to have a good and consistent social media strategy.
“I have to be consistent. I have to give it time. I have to show up every day. And the more content you produce, the more the platform learns who your clients are. So whatever you do, be consistent and don’t skip social media because nowadays, that’s the medium.”
Sandy has to wear many hats to grow the business, and she needed help to prevent getting burnt out.
“I have a podcast, and I used to record, edit, and then put them out there. And the episodes weren’t that great, so I learned from that. And now I have someone who edits my podcasts. I also have someone who works on everything SEO-related.”
“I have a podcast, and I used to record, edit, and then put them out there. And the episodes weren’t that great, so I learned from that. And now I have someone who edits my podcasts. I also have someone who works on everything SEO-related.”
Sandy found value in hiring help and shifting from doing everything for her business to delegating. She also found Tailwind made a massive difference in helping to take things off her to-do list.
When Sandy Found Tailwind
Sandy found value in hiring help and shifting from doing everything for her business to delegating. She also found Tailwind made a massive difference in helping to take things off her to-do list.
“Tailwind is part of my team. Yes, it’s a tool, but I consider the app a part of my team because it does so many things and makes my life easier, especially with Pinterest.”
Tailwind has even saved her money and helped her cut corners. “There hasn’t been anything like Tailwind Create anywhere else until now. If you do not have a graphic designer, use Create for your posts.”
This year, Sandy will re-open her Pinterest Marketing for Small Business, and she looks forward to focusing on growing her business and learning along the way.
Interested in hiring this innovative genius and learning more about her? I know I am.

Where you can find Sandy and Rectified Co
You can read more about her story on her website and book her services for social media, email marketing, and Pinterest.
She also hosts The Rectified Podcast, where she shares inspiring entrepreneur stories and marketing tips and tricks!And don’t forget to follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.