Author: Alex Topiler

Oh So Pinteresting

Easy and Free Images for Pinterest OSP 061

It is next to impossible to tap into the power of Pinterest without having images in your website, right? But many marketers are often unsure of how to use complex graphic editing software such as Photoshop. Many are working with tight budgets and find it difficult to afford stock photos or a professional graphic designer. Today, I’m here to tell you about another great online tool to put in your collection that will help you create easy and FREE images for Pinterest (and your other online needs).

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Oh So Pinteresting

Track Pinterest Pins on Google Analytics with UTM Tracking Codes

When it comes to having an online businesses I tend to start to itch a bit when I hear the word “code”. It usually means that I’ll need to either spend hours figuring out how to make the code work or spend lots of $$$ to hire someone to do it for me. When I heard that you can now track Pinterest Pins on Google Analytics with UTM tracking codes the itching began. Thankfully, they’re easy to do and you won’t have to hire professional help to use them.

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Oh So Pinteresting

Creating Better Images for Pinterest Equal BIG Google Payoffs OSP 058

Oh my! The power of Pinterest just seems to be growing and growing. Its influence is not only changing marketing strategies but also website design and search engine results.

Social media platforms and websites are becoming even more image centric as Pinterest and Instagram continue to rise in popularity. Enhancing and polishing images on a website and making them more “pinnable” can truly lead to increased traffic and potentially, sales.

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5 Reasons Why Pinterest is Great for Business

You might have heard all of the fuss about Pinterest over the past couple of years but when you took a look at it all you saw were pictures of bridal gowns and memes. So what’s the big deal? This couldn’t be worth while, your business has nothing to do with those things, right?
Or, maybe you created a Pinterest account but you’re not sure how it can work for you.

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Optimize Your Images for Pinterest Pin It Buttons

We know that Pinterest is great for traffic generation. More and more I’m hearing that it is becoming one of the top sources of traffic generation for many bloggers and online business owners. Getting traffic from Pinterest goes beyond having images from your site pinned to Pinterest.

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Oh So Pinteresting

7 Sources of Pinterest-ing Tips You Might Have Missed

February is a very special month around here; it was exactly 2 years ago that Oh So Pinteresting was launched! I’ve had a great time creating videos, podcast episodes and articles to help you learn how to use Pinterest for business marketing.

The past 2 years have been full of wonderful experiences and the best ones include meeting and working with people from all around the world. Some of them have even honored me by inviting me on to their podcasts or to publish a guest post on their blog.

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Oh So Pinteresting

How To Get Customers Hungry For Your Services With Pinterest OSP 053

Have you ever been on Pinterest and come across a photo of food that looks so tempting and delicious you actually get hungry? As restaurant marketing pro, Joe Welsh explains in this week’s episode of the podcast, ”people buy with their eyes.” This concept is used by many restaurants in their online and offline marketing strategies to attract customers and generate sales.

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