A New Look at Your Pinterest Account OSP 080
Are you using Pinterest a marketing tool for your business? Taking a moment to take a look at your account can reveal some mistakes or some missed opportunities.
Are you using Pinterest a marketing tool for your business? Taking a moment to take a look at your account can reveal some mistakes or some missed opportunities.
In business, success often comes down to the bottom line. What do the numbers say? But should this concept also be applied to determining a Pinterest account’s success? How much does the number of Pinterest followers you have really matter?
If fake Pinterest accounts weren’t bad enough, how about Pinterest impostors? Hear about a kindergarten teacher’s experience with someone using her name and profile image.
Advertising with Pinterest promoted pins is still very new. For most businesses using Promoted Pins it’s not yet clear what will and won’t work. How to set up campaigns and how to track their success is something many are trying to figure out.
Have you heard stories of people loosing all of the traffic to their website because of a Google update? I have and have always assumed that it only happened to websites doing shady or black-hat stuff. I’ve come to learn that isn’t always the case.
Pinterest can bring enough traffic to a website to transform it from Internet obscurity to a thriving online business. Let’s take a look at 7 reasons why some businesses on Pinterest find failure instead of success. I’m sure YOU haven’t made any of these social media marketing mistakes but maybe you have a “friend” that has.
I manage and contribute to several group boards and credit them for helping me grow my following on Pinterest to over 100,000! As a result of this, I was recently named one of the top vegan bloggers on Pinterest. That’s a great honor, and it also means I was able to grow a significant following while also fitting into a more niche market!
I’ve discovered a few tricks and tips that I’ve used to both manage and participate in group boards, and I’m going to share those with you today. Are you ready? Let’s get started!
the new Pinterest messaging feature and I also talk with blogger and freelance writer Karen Cordaway. Karen was an early adopter of Pinterest and was recently chosen by Pinterest to have her account featured.
Messaging on Pinterest is a feature that has been asked about for a long time. On August 6, 2014 it finally arrived! This feature could be a game changer especially for businesses who use Pinterest as a collaboration tool.
Content curation is something that most social media markers say you MUST do in order not to be spammy or too self promotional. Many say it would be rude to only post your own content and never share anyone else’s. But, is your social media content curation just noise, is it really the best way to approach social media marketing?