Author: Alex Topiler

Oh So Pinteresting

Getting Serious with Pinterest Automation OSP 095

My friend Ralph Rivera and his wife Carol Lynn have seen that Pinterest brings a significant amount of traffic to their website but hadn’t been able to incorporate it into their marketing system, until now. With systems, tools and Pinterest automation they are now strategically growing their Pinterest account and bringing even more traffic to their website.

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Oh So Pinteresting

The Easy Way to Create Great Images for Marketing OSP 094

The Internet has been making a gradual shift away from text and towards images for decades. Since the rise of social media and especially since Pinterest came on the scene, the shift has gained some serious momentum. In just the past few years we’ve seen that it now takes more than a well written article or social media post to get attention in the crowded online space. Now, you need to include great images for your marketing efforts to even stand a chance.

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Oh So Pinteresting

Smart Easy Pinterest Marketing OSP 093

If you’re looking for a tool that will help you save time and have a more strategic approach to your Pinterest marketing help is here. Pinterest created the Marketing Developers Program in which only a few select companies have been invited to participate in. The companies involved in the program have access to Pinterest’s API to build tools that will help businesses grow their presence on Pinterest.

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Oh So Pinteresting

Manly Pinterest News OSP 085

To bring a manly perspective to Oh So Pinteresting, I’ve invited the manliest pinner of all, Jeff Sieh to join me on this week’s edition of the podcast. Jeff is the host of the Manly Pinterest Tips show where he and his guests add a masculine twist to Pinterest and social media marketing.

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Oh So Pinteresting

How to Get Started on Pinterest OSP 083

I bet you have a passion for your business, don’t you? You can talk for hours about your industry with a smile on your face. But when it comes to the necessary tasks that it takes to grow a business, that smile might dim just a bit. I find this happens when I talk with business owners about incorporating social media marketing into their businesses. They often don’t know where to begin or even what to ask about how to get started on Pinterest.

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Guiding Clients into the World of Digital Marketing and Pinterest OSP 081

Changing the way we do things can be scary for anyone. For business owners who have built their business in offline world, adding and growing a digital presence can be especially confusing and overwhelming. Listen in as I chat with Shelia Butler about how she helps businesses transition and grow with digital marketing and Pinterest.

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