A Key Part in Growing My Business and Awesome Deal for You

Hello, this isn’t my usual type of post for a Friday but there’s some news I just had to share.  I’m someone who loves to get a good deal and what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t share it with you?

A Key Part in Growing My Business and Awesome Deal for You

I don’t usually promote things on my Friday blog posts but the topic of today’s post is something I really believe in and think it is a great deal for you. Full disclosure, I do earn a commission on tickets sold though these links but it does not change the cost for you and today you can save a ton over the regular ticket price.  Keep reading to learn how New Media Expo has helped me with my business…



Get 50% off  of tickets to New Media Expo happening January 4-6 in Las Vegas, Nevada. PLUS if you use the discount code OHSO20 you get an additional 20% OFF!!!!!!

  Discount code for New New Media Expo

Join me at New Media Expo in January 2014!Why attend New Media Expo

When I decided to take this blog about Pinterest and evolve it into a business I knew that there was a lot that I needed to learn. I also wanted to get to know others who had already found success building a business with a blog. It was perfect timing that New Media Expo was just about to happen in New York City.

I debated whether I should invest money in conference tickets, airfare and hotel into something I was so new at but I understood that if I wanted to grow a serious business I had to take action.

My husband and I packed our things and flew off to NYC! The conference was full of informational sessions about blogging, video and podcasting. We met some amazing people who were just starting like I was and others who had already accomplished amazing things.

When the conference was over they announced that the next one would be in just 6 months except it would be held in Las Vegas. My husband and I both looked at each other and said “we’re going” at the exact same time.

6 months later, January 2013, we were in Las Vegas, this time we took our daughter who is also a blogger. We hoped she would see the potential of growing her blog into something that could help her with her future career. And it did! She and a friend launched an new blog and have developed a team of writers that reports on the video gaming industry called Random Havok. They have even launched a podcast. She has made connections in the industry and is actively looking for internships.

At that time I had left my full time job to grow this business and was even more determined to get more out of New Media Expo. I learned a lot from the sessions and was inspired to launch the Oh So Pinteresting podcast.  I also met people from around the world that have helped and encouraged me this past year. I’m honored to now call them friends.

Now, this January I’ll be speaking at New Media Expo! I’ve made it my mission to give a presentation that will teach and motivate people just as I was in sessions past. It will be about Pinterest but a lot of the concepts will also apply to other aspects of social media marketing. I can’t wait!

If you will be there PLEASE let me know. I’d love to meet you and talk about your blog or business.

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