7 Sources of Pinterest-ing Tips You Might Have Missed

February is a very special month around here; it was exactly 2 years ago that Oh So Pinteresting was launched!  I’ve had a great time creating videos, podcast episodes and articles to help you learn how to use Pinterest for business marketing.

7 Sources of Pinterest-ing Tips You Might Have Missed

The past 2 years have been full of wonderful experiences and the best ones include meeting and working with people from all around the world. Some of them have even honored me by inviting me on to their podcasts or to publish a guest post on their blog.

I’d like to use this special occasion to share with you just a few of the guest posts and interviews where I’ve shared some of my favorite Pinterest tips, tricks and tools.

Guest posts 

Click on the titles to read the full post

Social Media Examiner: How to Use Pinterest to Build Trust and Loyalty 

Use Pinterest to Build Trust and Loyalty on Social Media Examiner

Pinterest provides business a great opportunity to build trust and loyalty among their community in ways that no other platform can. In this guest post that I wrote for Social Media Examiner, I show you ways to do this including:

  • Using Pinterest to tell your company’s story
  • Using Pinterest to recognize and honor your loyal customers
  • Creating boards that are a resource
  • Pinnig the best pins for your followers


Become a Blogger: 3 Strategies to Avoid a Pinterest Identity Crisis

3 Strategies to Avoid a Pinterest Identity Crisis

Sometimes, I come across Pinterest accounts that are a bit confusing.  They have boards that cover a huge range of unrelated topics and offer no rhyme or reason as to why they are there, they seem to be experiencing some sort of an identity crisis.

For example, a food blogger with a board filled with pins about auto repair. What???? 

While it’s ok to have some fun and show some personality with your Pinterest account, there should be some thought put into it. Having an account that is experiencing this type of crisis could even cost you followers.

In this post you’ll learn 3 easy ways to avoid this problem with your Pinterest business account.


12 Most: 12 Most Resourceful Ways Businesses Can Use Pinterest

The 12 Most Resourceful Ways Businesses Can Use Pinterest

Even though Pinterest  has proven itself to be a powerful resource for traffic and sales generation, there are still many misconceptions about Pinterest. Some of the misconceptions that I continue to hear are that it’s only for women, that it’s only for e-commerce sites or that it’s only for B2C businesses.

While Pinterest might not be a marketing goldmine for all types of businesses, there are many other ways that Pinterest can be used to help you with your business. Think of Pinterest as the Swiss Army Knife for business in the digital world.

In this post that I wrote for 12 Most, I share 12 different ways that businesses can use Pinterest including:

  1. Pinterest for traffic generation
  2. To learn about your customers
  3. To build a referral network
  4. Using Pinterest as a portfolio
  5. To stay up to date on trends in your industry
  6. To create a resource library
  7. As a collaboration tool
  8. For website or logo design inspiration
  9. To establish yourself as a pro
  10. For content inspiration
  11. For image inspiration
  12. To learn about your competition


Pinnable Business: The Indiana Jones Approach to Pinterest for Business 

The Indiana Jones Approach to Pinterest

Emulating some of the traits of legendary hero Indiana Jones with your Pinterest account can lead to big wins such as attracting more followers, driving more traffic and generating more sales. These traits include:

  • Being creative with your Pinterest account (solve the puzzle)
  • Building relationships (friends and allies)
  • Using Pinterest to increase sales (finding the treasure)

In this guest post for Pinnable Business, I take you on an adventure and show you the ways business are finding success just like Indiana Jones did.


Podcast interviews

February doesn’t only mark the anniversary of the Oh So Pinteresting blog; it also marks the anniversary of the Oh So Pinteresting podcast!

It was one year ago this month that I first took my place behind the microphone to share Pinterest news tips and interviews though audio recordings. There have also been times that I’ve been invited on to other shows to talk about using Pinterest for marketing.  Below are just a few where I’ve shared some of my most pinteresting tips.

Social Media Marketing Podcast with Michael Stelzner: Pinterest Success: Creative Ways to Use Pinterest for Your Business

Social Media Marketing Podcast Pinterest

I chat with Michael about ways businesses can creatively use Pinterest for market research, growing email lists and share some of my favorite tools and resources for creating pinnable images.


Nuclear Chowder with Mike Brooks: Like Customers? You’ll Find This Podcast Very Pinteresting

Nuclear Chowder Marketing Podcast Pinterest

Before our interview, Mike thought of Pinterest as more of an image collecting and sharing site. We talked about the different ways Pinterest can help a business. We also did an evaluation of his Pinterest account and I suggested some changes he could make to attract more listeners to his show and more followers to his account.

The Marketing Agents Podcast with Rich Brooks: Pinterest for Business with Cynthia Sanchez

Marketing Agents Podcast Pinterest

In my conversation with Rich, we dispel some of the myths about Pinterest especially when it comes to they types of businesses that can successfully use Pinterest. We talk about some of the getting started with Pinterest and some of the strategies you should have with your images and your boards. We also discuss the added benefits of having a Pinterest account including Google ranking.

Click here to listen 

In the past 2 years there have been many changes to Oh So Pinteresting including 2 logos, 3 site designs and the addition of a podcast. Pinterest has evolved from a site to collect and share interests among users to a serious marketing tool for businesses. I’m looking forward to the next year of helping you navigate your way though all of the changes.

Thank you for another very Pinteresting year!



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