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5 Ways Pinterest Can Boost a Business OSP 091

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Is your business in a slump? Are you looking to rev it up a bit? Pinterest could be what you need to go from something ordinary to something stellar.

5 Ways Pinterest Can Boost a Business OSP 091

In this episode

Jeff Sieh of Manly Pinterest Tips and I explore 5 ways that Pinterest can boost a business. Including:

• Benefit your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Some businesses Pinterest boards are ranking on the first page of Google!

• Bring additional website traffic

• Build your email list

• Build brand awareness

• Generate e-commerce sales.

Special thanks

This episode comes from a webinar that I did with Jeff. I’d like to take a moment to extend special thanks to:


Alisa Meredith of the Superheroes of Marketing Podcast

Both of these super awesome people helped us out during the webinar with out us even having to ask. Please go check out what their up to. Not only are Alisa and Dustin super helpful during webinars, they really know their social media stuff!

Dustin Stout

Dustin Stout of

 Listener question

“Ralph Minerna Rivera-Cluver” asks about posting the same pins to multiple boards. He has a podcast which has episodes that fall into three separate categories. Would it be ok to create boards for each of the categories and pin the episodes there as well as to an overall podcast board?

I say it’s perfectly fine to pin the same image to multiple boards. However, you want to take a strategic approach in doing so.

Pinning your images to multiple boards gives you a better shot of reaching more of your followers and can help your pins appear in Pinterest search results.  Here’s how:

1. Space out your pinning. Some of your followers follow your entire account. If they see repeats of the same image over and over in their feed, it could bother them and lead to them unfollowing you.

Pinterest’s Smart Feed helps keep this from happening  somewhat but nevertheless, pinning the same image to multiple boards at one time isn’t in your best interest. Not all of your followers are on Pinterest at the same time or even every day. (Not that I can imagine going a day without Pinterest, but I’m weird like that 🙂  )

Pinning the same image to a different board at a different time of the day and different day of the week increases your chances of reaching more of your followers.

2. Not all of your followers follow all of your boards. If you pin it to just one board a percentage of your followers will never see it in their feed.

3. The more times an image is pinned, the more opportunities it has to appear in Pinterest search results. To really take advantage of this, try to change up your pin’s description a bit each time you pin it to a different board. Use different keywords each time or change up the order of the keywords used in the description.

Ralph Rivera of Web Search SocialYou might remember Ralph form a previous episode of the podcast where he taught us how to use UTM tracking with our Pins. Ralph and his lovely wife Carol Lynn have a informative and hilariously funny podcast,Web Search Social, where they talk about all kinds of digital marketing, including Pinterest. Be sure to give it  listen.

Pinterest Tip of the Week

Spring has sprung! While your digging into Spring cleaning your office and home, your Pinterest account could probably use a little dusting off too.

Are there boards on your account that just aren’t relevant any more? If you haven’t pinned to them in a long time maybe it’s time to delete it. If you’re not quite ready to let go of the board completely, you can copy those pins to a secret board.

Do you need to rearrange the order of your boards? Move out of season boards to the bottom of your account. The boards with the most links back to your website should be in the first couple of spots to get more attention, especially on mobile devices.

Coming SOON

Coming on April 18, 2015 the Pinterest Boot Camp. A one day intensive Pinterest training that will help you whip your business’s Pinterest strategy and techniques into shape. This online 5 hour training will take you though the ins and outs of using Pinterest as a marketing tool. If you cant attend the live session, no worries, there will be a recording. PLUS, you also get lifetime access to my private Facebook group  to networks and ask me any Pinterest questions you’d like. Registration closes soon! For all of the details go to

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